Become a USPA Tandem Master
To earn the USPA Tandem Instructor rating, it is mandatory to have a manufacturer rating (UPT Vector Sigma, Wings Tandem, FireBird, TOUCH).
The USPA Instructor rating is mandatory to work on any USPA drop-zones (US drop-zones and some others, contact us if you have any questions).
We propose a complete training package including the Tandem Master and the USPA Tandem Instructor ratings.
1. Prerequisite
Requirements 1, 3 and 4 below must be met before entering the course. The other requirements may be met with our examiners (on a case-by-case basis).
- reached the age of 18 years
- hold a USPA coach or Instructor USPA rating
- logged 500 jumps on a ram-air canopy
- a minimum of 3 years experience in parachuting
- Present a current FAA Class 3 Medical Certificate (Class 2 in Europe)
- D-Licence
The USPA Instructor course must be done after the manufacturer’s rating:
- UPT Vector / Sigma
2. Training Program – USPA Tandem Instructor / Tandem Master
The training begins with a day of theory and modeling (ground rehearsals). After the ground preparation you will begin the training jumps which are divided into two distinct phases: one discovery phase and one skill development phase.
The discovery phase is made up of five jumps:
- 1 jump as passenger
- 1 jump as an Instructor (without passenger but possibly with ballast or with “Rubert”)
- 3 jumps as an Instructor AND with a Passenger.
The second phase, called skill development, also includes five jumps. During those jumps, the Trainer-Examiner will teach you new techniques and may ask you to jump with another skydiver.
The training lasts 5-6 days depending on weather conditions.
3. Advices and Recommendations
In addition to the USPA documents, the tandem builder document, and your skydive papers, we strongly recommend that you bring the following items:
- Wide jumpsuit with enough drag (thick cotton, cordura …)
- Open face helmet + goggles
- Altimeter AND audible