AFF Instructor Training-AFF instructor USPA Rating
The AFF rating is the best rating, it allows to teach skydiving in fall: Accelerated Free Fall. The AFF Instructor training is reputed to be the most “High Level” training, however it remains quite accessible with some personal investment and professional coaching.
As a professional training organization we organize AFF instructor training courses one to two times a year in order to be fully available for our candidates. However, it is possible to organize a course on demand from 4 candidates.
1. AFF Instructor Training Prerequisites
- Valid USPA membership
- USPA C License
- USPA Coach rating
- Completed at least 500 jumps (no minimum required if you have held a Coach rating for at least 12 months)
- Logged 6 hours of freefall time
2. AFF Instructor Training Course
It is necessary to have an MRI and a SIM of less than 24 months.
The course takes 5 to 9 days (according to the weather conditions and the technical level of the participants). The first day is dedicated to the theory and learning of the AFF method.
The remaining days are for:
- Ground and Air Training
- Assessment on the ground and in the air
It is highly recommended to follow a Coach course and know how to apply the Coach course methods, to increase your chance of success in the AFF rating. Indeed we will move quicker to the AIR evaluation if the GROUND evaluation ends as quickly as possible.
3. AFF Instructor Training Evaluation
The evaluation consists of 3 jumps: category C main side, category C reserve side, category D.
The two “Cat C” jumps are with two candidates, an evaluator and an external videoman.
The “Cat D” jump is with a candidate, an evaluator and an external videoman.
The jumps are intended to be realistic and without unpleasant surprises. The purpose of the training is to provide the candidates with the necessary skills to teach skydiving. The key to success is quality briefings; technical skills are involved only in case of failure during briefings.
You have one chance to repeat an evaluation jump, so it is possible to make 4 jumps to validate all three evaluation jumps.